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In the scorching California heat, keeping your home cool without breaking the bank can be a challenge. At A & H Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of energy efficiency for both your comfort and your wallet. With our expertise in residential AC service and HVAC maintenance, we've compiled some top tips to help you make your home more energy-efficient through cooling solutions.

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When it comes to your business’s daily hustle, a well-functioning commercial cooling system is a necessity. At A&H Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of a properly functioning HVAC system for your establishment's productivity and the comfort of your customers and employees in the Bay Area. In this blog, we'll highlight four signs that indicate your commercial cooling system may need repair. Keep reading, and contact us today for a quote!

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A smart thermostat is a revolutionary device that offers numerous benefits for Bay-area homeowners. At A & H Heating and Cooling, a family-owned HVAC company, we understand the importance of integrating smart technology into your home, which is why we highly recommend investing in a smart thermostat. Learn more below, and get a free quote today.

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As the warmer months approach, ensuring your residential AC units are in peak condition is crucial. At A&H Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of a well-maintained cooling system. Not only does it keep your home comfortable, but it also prevents costly repairs and enhances efficiency. Here are our top maintenance tips to keep your residential air conditioning running smoothly.

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While winter in the Bay Area is generally mild, ensuring your home is ready to keep you warm and cozy throughout the cold months is still important. Preparing your home for winter heating helps you stay comfortable and saves you money on energy bills. At A&H Heating and Cooling, we provide expert HVAC services in Northern California. Contact us today for maintenance services before the winter months set in!


Most people don’t like to replace things that aren’t broken. However, heating systems are a different story, as you don’t want your furnace to stop working on a chilly winter night in the Bay Area. It’s time to start looking into new residential heating systems if yours isn’t performing as well as it used to. Consider the following four advantages of installing a new system.


If you’re in the Bay Area and need heating, ventilation, or air conditioning assistance, A & H Heating and Cooling can help. With over 50 years of HVAC experience, we remain a trusted company for both homes and businesses. Here is what you can expect from our HVAC company.

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If you want to enjoy reduced energy bills and more efficient heating, the best thing you can do for your home is install a new heating system. For most people, however, the thought of the costs associated can make them feel hesitant. To make your decision to upgrade easier, A & H Heating and Cooling is here to break down the cost of installing a new residential heating system. Read on, then contact us to upgrade the heating in your Bay Area home.


When the temperatures drop, it’s essential to have a properly functioning residential heating system. However, homeowners often neglect their heating systems until it’s too late, leading to expensive repairs and higher energy bills. In this blog post, A&H Heating will provide you with a guide to maintaining your residential heating system, ensuring that your home stays warm and energy efficient throughout the year.

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Do you live in California and require a reliable and professional HVAC company to take care of your home heating pumps? Look no further than A & H Heating and Cooling! For 50 years, we have been serving the Bay Area with top-of-the-line residential and commercial HVAC service


Welcome to our site! We are in the process of building our blog page and will have many interesting articles to share in the coming months. Please stay tuned to this page for information to come. And if you have any questions about our business or want to reach out to us, we would love for you to stop by our contact page.

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